Beyond Amazing

My husband and I have just returned from a three week trip to Nepal organized by Ganga and Ram and the crew at Nepal Hiking Team. All I can say is that the trip far exceeded any expectations we had. Ganga organized a 13 day trek to Everest Base Camp for the two of us. Our guide Arun Abiral and our porter Mr. Gokul were fabulous. Not only were they professional and took great care of us, they were really fun, nice guys. Arun was very patient with the fact that I am not the fastest hiker and was unsure of myself on some of the rocks. Mr. Gokul, our "Himalayan Tiger" (as he termed himself) knew that I was always tired by the end of the day and he made it a point after he dropped off our trekking bag to come back and take my backpack for the last hour of the walk. He also refused to let us carry anything on the acclimatization day hikes. Arun also carried fresh oranges and apples on the trek and presented us with a lovely plate of fresh fruit each evening after dinner - making us the envy of other trekkers at the teahouses each night. Arun was also open to changing our itinerary when we requested it. My husband wanted to climb Kala Pattar the afternoon we arrived in Gorak Shep to take advantage of the afternoon sun for photography and go the Base Camp the following morning - no problem. Arun made it happen.

The teahouses selected by Ganga were the best that were available (which in Lobuche, isn't saying much!). We had ensuite bathrooms wherever available and all of the teahouses had western style toilets available.

My husband ended up falling on the way back down, just outside of Namche Bazaar and tore ligaments badly enough that he needed a helicopter evacuation from Namche. Arun and Mr. Gokul took my husband's pack and helped him back into Namche. Ganga and Ram kept in touch to make sure that the arrangements for the helicopter were taken care. Ganga and Arun also were at the clinic in Kathmandu to make sure we had everything we needed.

Ganga also took care of arranging extra hotel nights in Kathmandu when we arrived back early and took care of getting a refund on the unused flight from Lukla.

I can recommend Nepal Hiking Team without reservation. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

- Excellent
Mr. Rob and Kim
CO   |   30th Sep 2017