Top 12 Frequently Asked Questions about Everest Base Camp Trek

Balaram Thapa
Balaram ThapaUpdated: Jul 9th 2023 | Travel TipsTrekking/Hiking

Almost everybody who is in love with the mountains has Everest Base Camp on their bucket list. After all, the base camp is where the tallest mountain in the world stands tall amidst the jungles of mountains. So if you are planning to do Everest Base Camp trek but have some unanswered doubts then no worries. Here in these blogs we have answered the Top 12 Frequently Asked Questions about Everest Base Camp Trek which we get all the time from our potential clients.

Down below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked question about EBC Trek:

Q 1. How much does it cost to do Everest Base Camp Trek?

Everest Base Camp Trek is not a cheap vacation. It is expensive. The trek requires flying in and out in a domestic plane which already costs you few hundreds of dollars. Moreover, the trek takes place in the mountains which are already a remote place. Every grocery items, as well as other necessary goods, should be exported from the cities which make a simple essential like soap, snacks, etc. to cost much more than their usual price. So, in short, it is an expensive trek but worthy of every penny you spend.

But the trek cost does not only is limited to the net cost that is provided to you by the trekking companies. There are many other things which you should prepare beforehand before opting for Everest Base Camp Trek.

For instance, Visa, trekking gear and international flight tickets are something that should be prepared by you.  So leaving the net cost of the trek, these expenses are something you should plan.

And most importantly, travel insurance is costly but extremely essential. Many clients ask us "Why should we purchase travel insurance?" As an expert, we should inform you, travel insurance is very necessary when you are prepping for Everest Base camp trek or any trekking adventure in the Himalayas. Furthermore, without travel insurance, you are not eligible to do the EBC trek. It is a necessary document like a passport when doing trekking in Nepal. Also please note that when you are purchasing your travel insurance, make sure it covers an altitude of 6000m.

Travel insurance covers your extra expenses incurred during the trek, emergency helicopter evacuation in case you get mountain sickness and also your cancellation charge if you are unable to do the trek on the planned date. But remember you have to have valid reasons to claim the insurance.

In short, Everest Base Camp Trek requires a lot of preparation and there is no fixed cost for the trek because it varies according to the trekking companies. Likewise, make sure what is offered and not offered at the given price.

Q 2. When is the best time to do Everest Base Camp Trek?

Many people ask us these questions. As per the statistics, Nepal welcomes its most visited during spring and autumn season and least during summer/monsoon season and winter season. But it all depends on people and their preferences. Because all the season has its attractive features.

For instance, spring season which falls from March-May may be the best time to do Everest Base Camp trek due to its clear and moderate weather. Likewise, the autumn season which falls from September- November because it greets you with stunning mountain views.

Whereas summer/monsoon brings the freshness because during this time you will traversing through deep lush jungles. Also if you want to avoid the crowd and do mind mushy trail and the frequent encounter with the leeched then it might be an ideal time to do the EBC trek. Similarly, if you have a high tolerance level to resist the cold and love the snow then winter season is also not a bad time to do the trek.

Q 3. How hard is EBC trek?

Walking at a great height, carrying heavy loads is not an easy task to do. But it is completely attainable with prior training and exercise. Unlike other trekking routes of Nepal, Everest Base Camp trek already begins from a great height of 2850m/9350 feet above sea level. Thus it is very necessary to cope with the elevation gain. Likewise, you will reach up to great heights of 5632m/18477 feet (Everest Base Camp) which a commendable height.

So physical fitness is very important to do Everest Base Camp trek. Some might say it is easy but you should not blindly follow up on it without knowing its background. Whenever you meet someone who has done the Everest base camp trek make sure you receive some exercise tips from them. 

In Everest base camp trek, you easily gain altitude and is difficult to adjust with the altitude so you need to check your age, fitness, and preparation before opting for this trek. It does not matter if somebody found it be easy whereas others found it to be difficult so it depends upon you and your preparation. 

Q 4. What type of accommodation is found in Everest Base Camp Trek?

Firstly EBC trek is a popular trekking route in the world. Hence you can expect some sort of luxury while on the trek. And primarily, during trek what you should not expect is that you can stay at the Hotels. On these trails, we do not have hotels, we have teahouses, lodges, and guesthouses which offer almost the same services as Hotels.

You can find basic as well as luxury accommodation while on the trek. At all the stops during the trek, you can find simple and basic teahouses equipped with two twin rooms to accommodate two people.

Also, you can find Luxury Mountain lodges to stay overnight. However, mountain lodges are only available in Lukla, Phakding, and Namche. The rooms at the luxury lodges come with the attached bathroom with hot running water all the time.

Q 5. How many days does it take to do Everest Base Camp?

If you are a fit and avid trekker, you can complete the trek in less than 12 days which is the standard number of days to complete the trek. However, reducing the number below 12 days is not advisable because when you suddenly gain great altitude then it will impact your health and causes altitude sickness which can lead to a life-threatening situation.

Also to be able to finish the trek in 12 days, trekkers should be able to walk for 5 to 6 hours daily. However, the recommended days to do Everest base camp trek is 16 days. In 16 days one can properly use acclimatization days and complete the trek smoothly without rushing.

You can click here to find the varieties of Everest Base Camp Trek packages.

Q 6. How can we get the water?

This is one of the frequently asked questions from our visitors. Trekkers can purchase hot/cold water at the teahouse after paying some fees. Also, another alternative to get water on the EBC trail is to bring your water sterilizing tablet and bottle. Fill the water bottle from the spring or the public taps and use the water purification table to sterilize the water and it will be safe to drink.

Q 7. What type of food can we get on the EBC trail?

You can get all sorts of food while on the trek. You will find some of the cutest cafes and beautiful restaurants in the world. Teahouses provide a menu to its guests where you can find varieties of dishes.

Also if you have any dietary restrictions like vegan foods and gluten-free meals then you shall not worry because teahouse shall prepare a dish as per your preference.

Nonetheless, we suggest all the trekkers be veg during the trek because it is quite difficult to digest the non-veg meals when you are at great altitude.

All in all, your meal preference will be taken care of by the Everest Base Camp trek. For further information about food on the Everest Base Camp trek, please click this link.

Q 8. What is the weight limit for Lukla flight?

The weight limit for Lukla flight is 15 kg per person including the handbag. So we shall ask you to pack the bags very carefully and effectively only with the necessary things.

Q 9. What kind of trekking equipment’s and clothes do I need for the trek to Everest Base Camp?

Trekking is all about having the right kinds of trekking equipment and clothes which is necessary for trekking. And while packing one should know in which season they are undertaking the trek. Thus one should pack as per the weather conditions too.

Please click the given link for the list of trekking equipment required for trekking in Nepal.

Q 10. What are Lukla flights get delayed or canceled?

Weather of Lukla is unpredictable and for flights to operate, the weather needs to be clear. Until and unless the weather is clear, the airline does not operate its flights. But sometimes, the weather gets worse causing flights to delay and cancel.

There are other alternatives if the flight gets canceled and if you are restrained by time. For instance, you can take a helicopter to Lukla on a sharing basis by making an extra payment.

So we suggest you keep an extra day after the trek if possible.

Q 11. Can we charge our electrical devices on the trail?

Indeed you can charge your electronic devices on the Everest Base Camp trek. You can easily find the electricity while on the lower part of the trek. But as you move higher, electricity is supplied through Solar panels so you may not get electricity in the rooms. But wherever, it is please expect to pay some amount of fee per hour for charging your electrical devices.

Q 12. How good is phone network and internet services?

You can get good cell reception and internet services while on the trek. So we recommend trekkers to purchase Nepalese Sim cards to make calls. Nonetheless, there are also good WIFI facilities across the Everest base camp trail thus you can get in touch with your family every day. Furthermore, to use these services, you have to make a certain amount of fees.

Besides the above questions, there are other queries too but we jutted down some of the important and frequently asked questions from our clients.

We hope it is helpful for your planning and preparation. For more information, please click the given link where you can find a complete package of the Everest Base Camp Trek.

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